Friday, June 10, 2011


Yup, tagged.  I've seen these in facebook and emails, but never in blogs, so I just gotta do it!  Here goes:

What do you think of when you the hear the word tag?
...along...and dem are some of the best Girl Scout cookies, too!

Do you think you're hot?
Nope...air conditioning just where it needs to be! ;)

Upload a picture or wallpaper that you're using at the moment.

So, this is my good friend who just celebrated her 40th birthday!  We had a blast celebrating & I love her to pieces!  I was recently uploading these pics, so that's why I chose it.

When was the last time you ate chicken?
um....Monday night.  Chicked salad at Texas Roadhouse.  YUMMY!

The song(s) you listened to recently.
"Rolling In The Deep" by Adele...I'm totally in love with her right now. 

What were you thinking as you were doing this?
That I really should be in bed because the writing conference is tomorrow!  Early.  Really early.

Do you have nicknames? What are they?
A very good friend gave me the moniker of "Ewok" back in high school.  He said it sounded like Lela.  It doesn't.  I have a couple of friends that call me "Lee".

Tag 8 blogger friends:
Weeeell...I don't have 8 blogger friends and the ones I DO have, have already been tagged, so, the next part  this will be least I fulfilled my "tagged" duties! :P

Who's listed as No. 1?

Say something about No. 5.

How did you get to know No. 3?

How about No. 4?

Leave a message for No. 6.

Leave a lovey dovey message for No. 2.

Do 7 and 8 have any similarities?


  1. For those of you who don't know, she's also known as EO.

    For reasons I shall not disclose...



  2. Oh, I totally forgot about EO! How could that happen!? LOL

  3. Enjoy that writers conference and make sure you share the experience :)
    Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers
