Sunday, January 23, 2011


So homework in the Robichaux household reared its ugly head tonight.  Every member of this family is in school.  My child is in middle school, my husband is in nursing school (almost done!) and I started school this week.  In theory, it was all such a good idea... Tonight we learned the challenges ahead of us.  My son has two projects due for school in the upcoming weeks, my husband starts his clinical rotation this week, and I am only just now learning how to fall into the routine of school, work and homework of my own.  We just spent two hours yelling, arguing, and fussing to get my child to finish everything he had to have done and when the child has Asperger's Syndrome on top of that, this is no small feat.  We did it, though.  I feel like I have moved a mountain today!


  1. I can't even imagine the stress, but think of all you guys stand to gain! I'm super excited for you! Oh, and I really love this background pic...

  2. Hi Lela, I too know someone with Asperger's. I give you huge kudos for balancing everyone's homework, as I can hardly juggle my own! Good luck with it all. I love your headline, by the way. Sometimes reality really gets in the way of my plans!

  3. Wow Lela, I thought homework was a drag in my house, your house is consumed with it!! LOl, speaking of which, I better get busy with mine, good luck on the 1st essay!!
