Monday, January 15, 2018

Never Give Up!

Some days the words come easily. Some days, not so much. Recently the words are coming slow, but the important thing is that they are coming. I have myself on a deadline and that helps but it also seems sometimes to be so daunting that I shut down. I've seen many posts lately with tips on how to continue writing through blocks, tricks to make yourself write even when you don't want to, etc. I think it's a sign. I read them all, think about which ones could help me, apply where I can, but most importantly, I sit in the chair and write.

What helps you get through a writing block? Is that even a real thing? I've seen it debated. Usually, I have to scroll back through my work-in-progress to reread where my head was just before. That helps put me back into the moment. Music helps tremendously - right this second I am letting my fingers work to the beat of some Imagine Dragons, "Believer" to be precise. I find songs that put me in the mood I need to be in to write my story. Sometimes those songs don't really make sense, but something about them get me into the head of my heroes and heroines and even my low-down, no-good bad guys! I usually have to block myself off from all other distractions. I retreat with my coffee to the computer room, shut the door, turn off the lights and turn on the tunes.

It does sometimes help to get away - find a secluded place outside my office and home to settle in and write. At those times, I still have to block out the distractions and put the earbuds in so the tunes can take me into my own world. I love writing in libraries. The atmosphere is always so chill and helps me get deeper into my work.
All of that is a stark contrast to where I find my inspiration, which hits usually out of the blue at inopportune moments. You know, moments when I have nothing to write on to jot down what just hit. Like in the car, while I'm driving or in the shower, where my mind usually goes a hundred miles a minute with ideas. I don't have to put myself into any kind of mood for inspiration to hit.

I always keep a notebook on my person for those times. I will pull over if the inspiration is strong while I'm driving - find a parking lot, pull out the notebook and start writing it all down. If it happens in the shower, the first thing I do upon exiting is grab that notebook and write the thoughts down. I have notebooks everywhere - usually there is one to be found anywhere I happen to look; on my nightstand in my bedroom, in my purse, my car, at work, squirreled away in a kitchen cabinet, and many in my writing room. 

Find it where you can, kiddies! Inspiration is all around you. Then, no matter how slowly (or quickly for some), get that inspiration into your work, whether that is art, writing, performance...Surround yourself with creative people, keep that flame burning and don't ever think you can't.

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Big Reveal (Or Not, Since Everyone Pretty Much Knows Anyway)

     So, I've been working on my latest book the last couple of months. No spoilers or anything, but this one follows the journey of a character that was introduced in my first book, Reborn. Yes, it's Elerbee. A priest who joined the party by appearing...myseriously? the bottom of a well. I thought I'd give a little teaser to what Elerbee will be up against in this new book. Madness, mayhem, adventure, elves, love, struggle! See, and you thought I was going to give it all away!
     I'd never spoil it for you but there will be demons, there will be a struggle and there will be elves.
     I know it seems like I've been working on this book for a very long time. It's true, I have. I'm not a fast writer by any means, but I try to stay consistent. I have a goal to finish this book by April where I'll be at Red River Con, Shreveport/Bossier's very own RPG Convention! (That's Role Playing Games for all you non-nerds out there).
     In the meantime, there are some exciting things you can do to get ready to read Elerbee's perilous adventure. My husband and I teamed up to write a module for a Role Playing Game based on my first book. It is set entirely in the world I created for these books and it takes you on an adventure leading up to the events taking place on the world of Cantor when you start Reborn. We play-tested the module at the LongCon in Longview, TX this past November and I was so thrilled at how much people told me they enjoyed it. If you're interested in obtaining this module, shoot me an email, an instant message, a text, a call, a shout or whatever!
     I'm out for now, but be kind to one another out there!