Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's been a minute

Ok, so, I've been on hiatus...not a fun one, mind you.  A much needed break to focus on things that need focusing on.  That said, I'm SO ready to get back into writing and editing.  Editing especially!  I haven't looked at the manuscript for "Reborn" in about a month.  My goal: finish up editing the first three chapters and start submitting while I work on the rest.  So, between research and whatnot for the new story, I'll be back to the grind with Mey and Thom.  I have a whole new idea to work into the beginning where it involves Garrin and I'm excited about that and ready to see if I can make it all work.

I think I will tackle this process with some planning.  I'm not normally a planner when it comes to my writing - I am a pantser (writing by the seat of my pants).  Every other aspect of my life is planned, though.  Funny how that works.  I am going to try to at least get some direction firmly in place before I start cutting, pasting and reworking.

Short post today, guys.  Gotta get back to housework but I had to make myself sit down and do this so I can start getting back in the habbit!  Thanks for visiting.