Ok, so, I've been on hiatus...not a fun one, mind you. A much needed break to focus on things that need focusing on. That said, I'm SO ready to get back into writing and editing. Editing especially! I haven't looked at the manuscript for "Reborn" in about a month. My goal: finish up editing the first three chapters and start submitting while I work on the rest. So, between research and whatnot for the new story, I'll be back to the grind with Mey and Thom. I have a whole new idea to work into the beginning where it involves Garrin and I'm excited about that and ready to see if I can make it all work.
I think I will tackle this process with some planning. I'm not normally a planner when it comes to my writing - I am a pantser (writing by the seat of my pants). Every other aspect of my life is planned, though. Funny how that works. I am going to try to at least get some direction firmly in place before I start cutting, pasting and reworking.
Short post today, guys. Gotta get back to housework but I had to make myself sit down and do this so I can start getting back in the habbit! Thanks for visiting.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Yup, tagged. I've seen these in facebook and emails, but never in blogs, so I just gotta do it! Here goes:
What do you think of when you the hear the word tag?
...along...and dem are some of the best Girl Scout cookies, too!
Do you think you're hot?
Nope...air conditioning just where it needs to be! ;)
Upload a picture or wallpaper that you're using at the moment.
So, this is my good friend who just celebrated her 40th birthday! We had a blast celebrating & I love her to pieces! I was recently uploading these pics, so that's why I chose it.
When was the last time you ate chicken?
um....Monday night. Chicked salad at Texas Roadhouse. YUMMY!
The song(s) you listened to recently.
"Rolling In The Deep" by Adele...I'm totally in love with her right now.
What were you thinking as you were doing this?
That I really should be in bed because the writing conference is tomorrow! Early. Really early.
Do you have nicknames? What are they?
A very good friend gave me the moniker of "Ewok" back in high school. He said it sounded like Lela. It doesn't. I have a couple of friends that call me "Lee".
Tag 8 blogger friends:
Weeeell...I don't have 8 blogger friends and the ones I DO have, have already been tagged, so, the next part this will be blank...at least I fulfilled my "tagged" duties! :P
Who's listed as No. 1?
Say something about No. 5.
How did you get to know No. 3?
How about No. 4?
Leave a message for No. 6.
Leave a lovey dovey message for No. 2.
Do 7 and 8 have any similarities?
What do you think of when you the hear the word tag?
...along...and dem are some of the best Girl Scout cookies, too!
Do you think you're hot?
Nope...air conditioning just where it needs to be! ;)
Upload a picture or wallpaper that you're using at the moment.
So, this is my good friend who just celebrated her 40th birthday! We had a blast celebrating & I love her to pieces! I was recently uploading these pics, so that's why I chose it.
When was the last time you ate chicken?
um....Monday night. Chicked salad at Texas Roadhouse. YUMMY!
The song(s) you listened to recently.
"Rolling In The Deep" by Adele...I'm totally in love with her right now.
What were you thinking as you were doing this?
That I really should be in bed because the writing conference is tomorrow! Early. Really early.
Do you have nicknames? What are they?
A very good friend gave me the moniker of "Ewok" back in high school. He said it sounded like Lela. It doesn't. I have a couple of friends that call me "Lee".
Tag 8 blogger friends:
Weeeell...I don't have 8 blogger friends and the ones I DO have, have already been tagged, so, the next part this will be blank...at least I fulfilled my "tagged" duties! :P
Who's listed as No. 1?
Say something about No. 5.
How did you get to know No. 3?
How about No. 4?
Leave a message for No. 6.
Leave a lovey dovey message for No. 2.
Do 7 and 8 have any similarities?
Saturday, May 28, 2011
DId you know?
So, I have decided I'm basing the religion in my books on the Celtic beliefs of the Iron Age. Here are some interesting tid-bits!
Druids. Another area where oral traditions were important was in the training of Druids. There has been a lot of nonsense written about Druids, but they were a curious lot; a sort of super-class of priests, political advisors, teachers, healers, and arbitrators. They had their own universities, where traditional knowledge was passed on by rote. They had the right to speak ahead of the king in council, and may have held more authority than the king. They acted as ambassadors in time of war, they composed verse and upheld the law. They were a sort of glue holding together Celtic culture.
Religion. From what we know of the Celts from Roman commentators, who are, remember, witnesses with an axe to grind, they held many of their religious ceremonies in woodland groves and near sacred water, such as wells and springs. The Romans speak of human sacrifice as being a part of Celtic religion. One thing we do know, the Celts revered human heads.
Celtic warriors would cut off the heads of their enemies in battle and display them as trophies. They mounted heads in doorposts and hung them from their belts. This might seem barbaric to us, but to the Celt the seat of spiritual power was the head, so by taking the head of a vanquished foe they were appropriating that power for themselves. It was a kind of bloody religious observance.
The Iron Age is when we first find cemeteries of ordinary people’s burials (in hole-in-the-ground graves) as opposed to the elaborate barrows of the elite few that provide our main records of burials in earlier periods.
Ok, so the head thing? Kinda gross. BUT, using this information, I think souls will play the part of the heads in my own scenario. And Druids are closely related to my own "Chosen". There's very little known about Druids and about this particular era in history - I think that's why it fascinates me so. It allows me to insert my own imagination in there and take aspects of what is known, and apply it to my own world. So, that's your history lesson for tonight!
Maiden Castle in Dorset. An iron age hill fort with an intricate maze of
ramps and ditches, which were supposed to delay and confuse attackers.

Religion. From what we know of the Celts from Roman commentators, who are, remember, witnesses with an axe to grind, they held many of their religious ceremonies in woodland groves and near sacred water, such as wells and springs. The Romans speak of human sacrifice as being a part of Celtic religion. One thing we do know, the Celts revered human heads.
Celtic warriors would cut off the heads of their enemies in battle and display them as trophies. They mounted heads in doorposts and hung them from their belts. This might seem barbaric to us, but to the Celt the seat of spiritual power was the head, so by taking the head of a vanquished foe they were appropriating that power for themselves. It was a kind of bloody religious observance.
The Iron Age is when we first find cemeteries of ordinary people’s burials (in hole-in-the-ground graves) as opposed to the elaborate barrows of the elite few that provide our main records of burials in earlier periods.
Ok, so the head thing? Kinda gross. BUT, using this information, I think souls will play the part of the heads in my own scenario. And Druids are closely related to my own "Chosen". There's very little known about Druids and about this particular era in history - I think that's why it fascinates me so. It allows me to insert my own imagination in there and take aspects of what is known, and apply it to my own world. So, that's your history lesson for tonight!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Too busy for my own good
Well, I had an awesome weekend! How about you all? I spent Friday and Saturday nights in celebration of wonderful friends who have achieved milestones. Friday was for a friend who graduated nursing school this month and Saturday was for a wonderful friend who turned 40. I met some really great new people, too. Good times, but I tell ya, I'm too old to be roaming the bars at 1:00 AM anymore! lol Interesting, however, to discover the nightlife hasn't changed so much since I was doing it on a regular basis...
Anywhoodle, that is what has kept me from the keyboard this weekend. I am a little upset with myself, but glad I got to participate in some real-world activity. I did spend a great deal of time in thought...
Friday I spent a fair amount of time researching the craft of writing, thinking about the high concept statement, mainly. I have a wonderful friend and critique partner who sends wonderful information on story development, how to PLOT (scary) your story, and developing a high concept statement. Well, that got me thinking...what would my high concept statement be for the current work in progress? This is hard, really. It's a one- or two-sentence description of your entire story. Here's what I came up with:
A priest struggles to recover the stolen souls of innocents, facing a demon he unwittingly helped bring into the world, assassins trying to stop him at every turn, his absent god, elves that see and talk to spirits, and a half-drunken dwarf, all while battling with his flagging faith and love that is forbidden.
It's not the best and I'm sure it'll change through the course of the project, but you get the point. It has also already changed the course of my story. I had thought orginally that souls would have to be given up willingly, but I've decided they can be stolen. I've also changed my mind about how the story begins. So, even though I didn't spend the weekend with fingers to keyboard, it was still productive!
I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend as well and now we can look forward to the long weekend ahead! :P
Anywhoodle, that is what has kept me from the keyboard this weekend. I am a little upset with myself, but glad I got to participate in some real-world activity. I did spend a great deal of time in thought...
Friday I spent a fair amount of time researching the craft of writing, thinking about the high concept statement, mainly. I have a wonderful friend and critique partner who sends wonderful information on story development, how to PLOT (scary) your story, and developing a high concept statement. Well, that got me thinking...what would my high concept statement be for the current work in progress? This is hard, really. It's a one- or two-sentence description of your entire story. Here's what I came up with:
A priest struggles to recover the stolen souls of innocents, facing a demon he unwittingly helped bring into the world, assassins trying to stop him at every turn, his absent god, elves that see and talk to spirits, and a half-drunken dwarf, all while battling with his flagging faith and love that is forbidden.
It's not the best and I'm sure it'll change through the course of the project, but you get the point. It has also already changed the course of my story. I had thought orginally that souls would have to be given up willingly, but I've decided they can be stolen. I've also changed my mind about how the story begins. So, even though I didn't spend the weekend with fingers to keyboard, it was still productive!
I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend as well and now we can look forward to the long weekend ahead! :P
Sunday, May 15, 2011
SPOILER: Pity party, the Lela Show...
Well, it's one of those days. You know, the ones where you can't put a finger on what it is, but something has you sadder than you've felt in a long time? Just me? I figured as much... Writing, or blogging is supposed to be a healing tool, right? Well, I could use some healing at this juncture, so I write.
I've cried most of the morning. I went to bed with that twisty knot in my stomach; the one that tells me I'm sad, but I couldn't understand why. Everyone around me seems so happy. Maybe that's it. I want that, but can't understand why I don't have it. I don't feel happy most days, I just paste the smile on and go because who wants to be around the Debbie Downer all the time? I know what I've become. Doesn't mean I like it, but I know, all the same. I have secrets that would chase away the few remaining ties. Big secrets that I know for sure others wouldn't agree with. But it was my choice and I carry them, and they get pretty heavy - maybe that's what I'm feeling at this point, the heaviness of what I'm carrying around.
I have to go run an autism meeting today and stand there and act strong for all those hopeful faces staring back. Those faces who look to me to have some of the answers they're looking for. I've been one of those faces. How can I be strong for them when my own life feels like it's out of control? I have not achieved anything my younger self wanted...and now I'm so unmotivated it feels like I never will. Again, time to paste on the happy face, right? Throw around some hope, even if I don't believe it.
So if you've read all the way through, sorry you had to endure that. But, it's my blog and I'm using it for therapy today! I know there's only one or two of you who actually read anyway. Alrighty...I wasn't looking for any sympathy, just trying to clear my head and get my emotions in check, so don't feel like you have to leave any messages - I'll be better, just needed to vent. Ok, back to the grind, and as the title of this page says, reality is WAY overrated!
I've cried most of the morning. I went to bed with that twisty knot in my stomach; the one that tells me I'm sad, but I couldn't understand why. Everyone around me seems so happy. Maybe that's it. I want that, but can't understand why I don't have it. I don't feel happy most days, I just paste the smile on and go because who wants to be around the Debbie Downer all the time? I know what I've become. Doesn't mean I like it, but I know, all the same. I have secrets that would chase away the few remaining ties. Big secrets that I know for sure others wouldn't agree with. But it was my choice and I carry them, and they get pretty heavy - maybe that's what I'm feeling at this point, the heaviness of what I'm carrying around.
I have to go run an autism meeting today and stand there and act strong for all those hopeful faces staring back. Those faces who look to me to have some of the answers they're looking for. I've been one of those faces. How can I be strong for them when my own life feels like it's out of control? I have not achieved anything my younger self wanted...and now I'm so unmotivated it feels like I never will. Again, time to paste on the happy face, right? Throw around some hope, even if I don't believe it.
So if you've read all the way through, sorry you had to endure that. But, it's my blog and I'm using it for therapy today! I know there's only one or two of you who actually read anyway. Alrighty...I wasn't looking for any sympathy, just trying to clear my head and get my emotions in check, so don't feel like you have to leave any messages - I'll be better, just needed to vent. Ok, back to the grind, and as the title of this page says, reality is WAY overrated!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Things just don't happen quick enough...
There's just so many things I would like to accomplish in my life. They never happen quick enough for me. I really have to work on this patience thing...one of many flaws I need to work on! Well, the semester is coming to a close and I can't wait to get started with summer plans, which of course, are big. Half of them won't get done and the other half will teeter between half-done and almost-done...lol.
I have home projects, of course - turning our spare room into an office/study space for homeschool (if we go that route). I have a bedroom set in the garage that needs to be stained dark so I can use it in my bedroom. I'd love to replace all that random furniture with something that matches!
I have writing projects. Rewrites on Reborn are priority, so I can start submitting. I plan to do these in the evenings. Starting Seige of Souls is a must! Mornings will be alotted to the new story. I have to get into a rhythm again with my own writing. I learned so much this semester! I actually started thinking about the places where my characters can be strengthened and where I could start cutting and adding, etc. I'm so excited to get to work on it all! :)
So, that's an awfully full summer! And I relish the chaos! I think I'm happiest when I have no time to slow down and breathe. Weird, but, it's me - always has been. Ok, I'll be back on Saturday - my goal is to post every Saturday, at least, more if I can. I'll even start including snippets of chapters for you once I get going on the new book. See y'all soon!
I have home projects, of course - turning our spare room into an office/study space for homeschool (if we go that route). I have a bedroom set in the garage that needs to be stained dark so I can use it in my bedroom. I'd love to replace all that random furniture with something that matches!
I have writing projects. Rewrites on Reborn are priority, so I can start submitting. I plan to do these in the evenings. Starting Seige of Souls is a must! Mornings will be alotted to the new story. I have to get into a rhythm again with my own writing. I learned so much this semester! I actually started thinking about the places where my characters can be strengthened and where I could start cutting and adding, etc. I'm so excited to get to work on it all! :)
So, that's an awfully full summer! And I relish the chaos! I think I'm happiest when I have no time to slow down and breathe. Weird, but, it's me - always has been. Ok, I'll be back on Saturday - my goal is to post every Saturday, at least, more if I can. I'll even start including snippets of chapters for you once I get going on the new book. See y'all soon!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
A few cool things
So, I got a night out with the hubby! The kid went to his "parents night out" deal and TJ drug himself out to take me to dinner. Well, the anniversary is coming up so he probably figures he has to be nice to me...lol. He did point out to me, however, we have been together for half my life...you gasp, but tis true! I was 19 when we moved in together...you do the math; I do not admit to age.

I've got a few scenes running around in my mind, and I've decided on an opening, which will immediately introduce the two characters above, Elerbee and Tia. I've done some work tweaking my world's map to include the places these two will have to travel. They start in Jareen, Elerbee's hometown and also the seat of the Elder (the highest priestly official, who governs the three main sects). Their journey will keep them in the western part of the world, traveling to the Wintry Woods, where they hook up with Hadra and I'm thinking they'll travel through the dwarven lands to pick up Durlag, who had gone back there to help rebuild after Rekho destroyed the city (that's from the first book, for those who aren't familiar). They'll employ him as a guide, yet again, since he's been all over Cantor as a soldier in the armies that first banished the dragons. So far, that's all I've got on the map. I haven't decided where the demon has holed up but probably just outside some huge city in the mountainous region where he has access to harvest all the souls he wants - of course, unrest would be beneficial, so he doesn't have to do too much persuading of the people to give up their souls for promises of either money, glory or a better life for their families...I think the bad guy is also a priest. I had thought mage, but, no...I think it will be better if it is one of Elerbee's own - poor Elerbee, I have hell planned for him in this story!
Here's a visual of my bad guy, who has yet to be named. Yes, Rufus Sewell serves wonderfully as the antagonist! His eyes just hold this really intense feeling. Plus, every time I've seen him portray the bad guy, he's done such an excellent job! I don't think that power is his only motive here. There has to be more of why he would agree to set up house with a demon and do its bidding. What could the demon have on him...hmmm?
This requires more thought. So, until next time! I hope you keep coming back. :)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
But is it the end?
Well, this is to be the last official blog post for class...I intend to keep posting at least once a week, so I do hope you will all come back from time to time!
It's been a hectic week. Trent's had some issues at school this week but he's uber stressed about this silly iLeap testing next week. I'm not a huge standardized testing fan, if you can't tell. Tonight he told me that he is nervous about doing well because he wants to do well for his school so they get a good score and get their 5th star back...telling, no? This huge burden should not be on a bunch of 11 and 12 year old's shoulders. They should be encouraged to do their best, certainly, but to hound them to do well because the school wants that 5th star ranking...I just have no more words for that. *sigh*
On to the story! YAY! :) So, I threw out the idea on my new ranger character to friends and family this week and she wasn't so warmly received...lol. I like her, though, so that's what counts. :)~ She is an elf, but an elf that has been 'touched' by her god; Chosen, like Elerbee. But, when an elf is Chosen by their deity, they become what is known as a Spirit Elf. They are able to hear, see and communicate with the spiritual realm. Biggest drawback from this, they become partially spirit...this particular elf wears a cape with a hood that covers all but one of her eyes. When she removes the hood, she reveals a ghostly face...kind of transparent and milky (you know, like a ghost). Her right arm is the same. Cool part? She can reach through walls and when she touches anyone with that hand or arm, she has the effect of "ghost touch" - chilling the person to the bone and even sucking the life out of them, leaving them permanently affected from having come into such close contact with the realm of spirit. She'll immediately be able to see that Tia has no soul, since a soul is of the spirital realm. That's where she'll come in handy since they'll be chasing all these stolen souls...Her name is Hadra, meaning "half" in my elven language, she lives beyond Jareen, to the west, past the mountains where the dwarves live, in a place called the Wintry Woods. All of the Spirit Elves go here once they are touched - people are kind of scared of them, so they separate themselves from the population but they go about helping, in disguise, hiding and in ways that people won't know it's them. So far, I only have the one picture of her...I'll have to enlist my brother-in-law to draw her up for me...
SO, hopefully, I'll see some of you back next week! I don't know how much I'll be able to think on my story because I've got tons of school work to do, but any and all of my free time finds me drifting off to Cantor to plot out the story and develop the characters...they only live in my blog right now and I can't wait to start writing some of this down!
It's been a hectic week. Trent's had some issues at school this week but he's uber stressed about this silly iLeap testing next week. I'm not a huge standardized testing fan, if you can't tell. Tonight he told me that he is nervous about doing well because he wants to do well for his school so they get a good score and get their 5th star back...telling, no? This huge burden should not be on a bunch of 11 and 12 year old's shoulders. They should be encouraged to do their best, certainly, but to hound them to do well because the school wants that 5th star ranking...I just have no more words for that. *sigh*
On to the story! YAY! :) So, I threw out the idea on my new ranger character to friends and family this week and she wasn't so warmly received...lol. I like her, though, so that's what counts. :)~ She is an elf, but an elf that has been 'touched' by her god; Chosen, like Elerbee. But, when an elf is Chosen by their deity, they become what is known as a Spirit Elf. They are able to hear, see and communicate with the spiritual realm. Biggest drawback from this, they become partially spirit...this particular elf wears a cape with a hood that covers all but one of her eyes. When she removes the hood, she reveals a ghostly face...kind of transparent and milky (you know, like a ghost). Her right arm is the same. Cool part? She can reach through walls and when she touches anyone with that hand or arm, she has the effect of "ghost touch" - chilling the person to the bone and even sucking the life out of them, leaving them permanently affected from having come into such close contact with the realm of spirit. She'll immediately be able to see that Tia has no soul, since a soul is of the spirital realm. That's where she'll come in handy since they'll be chasing all these stolen souls...Her name is Hadra, meaning "half" in my elven language, she lives beyond Jareen, to the west, past the mountains where the dwarves live, in a place called the Wintry Woods. All of the Spirit Elves go here once they are touched - people are kind of scared of them, so they separate themselves from the population but they go about helping, in disguise, hiding and in ways that people won't know it's them. So far, I only have the one picture of her...I'll have to enlist my brother-in-law to draw her up for me...
SO, hopefully, I'll see some of you back next week! I don't know how much I'll be able to think on my story because I've got tons of school work to do, but any and all of my free time finds me drifting off to Cantor to plot out the story and develop the characters...they only live in my blog right now and I can't wait to start writing some of this down!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Of course my saga continues
Not just my story, but life as well! This week went by so fast for me. I had a ton of work to do at the ol' job, which is unusual these days with the closing looming, but keeping busy makes the days go by so much faster! Trent was on spring break and so things at home were not so stressful, even though he did have homework the whole time...ugh. TJ (that's the hubby for those who don't know) is on spring break next week and then a couple of weeks later, it's my turn! My husband is in nursing school and will graduate (I'm on positive thinking mode) in December. Clinicals have been progressively harder for him and stress levels between us have risen somewhat but he's doing such an awesome job! I am stressing (as usual) about the research papers I have to write this month! EEK! I can do it, I just have to buckle down and commit...however, I am going to have to take some vacation time from work just to get some of the work done! (Any excuse to get away from that place, right?)
Now, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my new story - I know, I know, when am I NOT? I've got three of my characters set in stone, well four, if you count the bad guy. I need at least one more and I was thinking along the lines of a bard. A bard, in fantasy, is someone who weaves magic with their voice, either by storytelling or singing or playing an instrument. Or all of those. OR a ranger-type. This would be an outdoorsy, tracker type who would be good with long-range weapons like a bow and arrow, throwing daggers - that kind of thing. It has to be a woman. And I'm leaning towards an elven woman. I have two humans and a dwarf already - of course I need to throw in an elf! :) Maybe a shapeshifter? OH! I just had an idea - so she's a ranger who can shapeshift into different animals but, she has to have been in contact with whatever animal she shifts to...AND she would have an animal companion. I think I've made my decision - a ranger it will be! lol Wow, thanks for talking that out with me y'all! I leave you with an image.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Good things come to those who wait
So, I had to abruptly end my blog last evening. My baby came out of his room sobbing like nothing I've ever seen before! He had a nightmare...that's never happened before - well, if he has had one, it's never affected him that way! I had to go and hold him and sing to him. Sorry for that, folks, but, as the title implies, there is more in store for you! :)
So, where was I? Oh, yes, the demon. Trent named the one in the last book and we were at Barnes and Noble the other night, having tea and scones, I asked him if he would care to name the next one. His choice: An'glar. (I don't know what's with the apostrophe, but, hey, whatever works, right?) It sounds good to me. This is actually the TYPE of demon it will be, not it's actual name. I have him working on that one as we speak! He really gets into the fact that I'm writing, which is awesome. I hope that I influence him to create his own stories. He does well at creating characters - usually robot zombies that he draws and then comes to me to tell me all about...lol. Boys are kinda great!
Ok, so, I guess that's all I've got. I wanted to tell you all more of my story, but I'm not so much in story mode at the moment...hope it's not killing anyone to know - I figured I'd try to post more later this week. I've been reading all weekend trying to catch up, so I'm really in reader mode at the moment, not writer mode...
So, where was I? Oh, yes, the demon. Trent named the one in the last book and we were at Barnes and Noble the other night, having tea and scones, I asked him if he would care to name the next one. His choice: An'glar. (I don't know what's with the apostrophe, but, hey, whatever works, right?) It sounds good to me. This is actually the TYPE of demon it will be, not it's actual name. I have him working on that one as we speak! He really gets into the fact that I'm writing, which is awesome. I hope that I influence him to create his own stories. He does well at creating characters - usually robot zombies that he draws and then comes to me to tell me all about...lol. Boys are kinda great!
Ok, so, I guess that's all I've got. I wanted to tell you all more of my story, but I'm not so much in story mode at the moment...hope it's not killing anyone to know - I figured I'd try to post more later this week. I've been reading all weekend trying to catch up, so I'm really in reader mode at the moment, not writer mode...
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Of course, I've taken on too much again
First, a fond farewell to a very talented human being!
So today I met with my friend who will be directing Little Shop of Horrors this summer at SLT. She has asked me to stage manage the show and a year ago, when she asked, I didn't hesitate. I've done this show before, I love it, it is a blast! HOWEVER, things have changed so severely since last year...I am still going to try to keep my promise, but I let her know how busy my schedule is and that if at any time I couldn't honor my committment, then she needed to be read to replace me. I have to meet with her again this next week to solidfy schedules, but I just hope I can keep up with everything!
Still thinking about the new story. Since my son named the demon in last book (a Zar'leith - cool, right?!), I asked him to name the one for this book as well. I didn't want the same type of demon, because the Zar'leith, although intelligent, isn't nearly as smart as this new one.
Ok, have to end this blog suddenly...continued tomorrow! I promise! :)
So today I met with my friend who will be directing Little Shop of Horrors this summer at SLT. She has asked me to stage manage the show and a year ago, when she asked, I didn't hesitate. I've done this show before, I love it, it is a blast! HOWEVER, things have changed so severely since last year...I am still going to try to keep my promise, but I let her know how busy my schedule is and that if at any time I couldn't honor my committment, then she needed to be read to replace me. I have to meet with her again this next week to solidfy schedules, but I just hope I can keep up with everything!
Still thinking about the new story. Since my son named the demon in last book (a Zar'leith - cool, right?!), I asked him to name the one for this book as well. I didn't want the same type of demon, because the Zar'leith, although intelligent, isn't nearly as smart as this new one.
Ok, have to end this blog suddenly...continued tomorrow! I promise! :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
It's Gettin A Little Hectic
So, today I realized just how hectic my schedule has become. I really should not have gone to that education conference in Bossier. I should have stayed home finishing my papers so I wouldn't be up til all hours tonight! LOL I think I'm defective...I thrive on chaos in my life. If there's not ten things going on at one time, then there's something wrong! The conference was wonderful, though and very inspiring. I'm always inspired by getting together with other advocates and strengthening the bonds to help our kids. I learned that a letter I wrote recently about our experience with restraint and seclusion has made it into the hands of one of our local legislators who was 'very moved' by it! How exciting! I was trained in how to write, change and influence policy regarding people with disabilities and try to stay involved in the community efforts as much as possible. Plus a dear friend from Lake Charles was the keynote speaker and I haven't seen her in about 5 years so, we went to dinner and just had a blast! So, yeah, even though it cramped my homework time, I am glad I went.
I'm in total agony over this new story. Trying to keep it on the back burner is painful! LOL I find myself writing in the car, while waiting on a train, in a parking lot, or picking up my son. I keep my notebook on my desk at work in case an idea strikes...So, basically, you have this cleric-type, you know, a healer but also a fairly good warrior, who has been chosen by his diety to represent in the world of mortals. He has proven himself time and again and helped in the effort to bring back the dragons that were banished from the world but also made the balance of good and evil shift too strongly toward the evil end of things. Now he's been called to help 'clean out' the ranks of the followers of the three gods. He reunites with an old friend, a dwarf, and they end up teaming with a woman who was trained as a specialty warrior (think Special Forces type training). She can use any weapon, including her bare hands and is pretty much a badass. I LOVE strong women in my stories who can hold their own with the men around them. On the evil side, we have Lukan, a fighter, leader of an army, who is trained in magic. He has made a deal with a demon that snuck into the world through the open pathway that was opened for the dragons to return. This demon taught him how to extract a person's soul. But, the demon tricked him. In exchange for the knowledge he has demanded payment in souls - which will make him more powerful and able to bring more of his brethren into the world so they can take over and rule it. Lukan, if he doesn't want to die himself, must harvest souls for this demon. But there's a twist - a soul cannot be taken, it must be given willingly. So, he has to con people into giving up their souls to him, which he turns over to the demon. The warrior woman who teams up with the cleric has given her soul to him. He tricked her into thinking he loved her and so she ends up giving her soul to him but then he betrays her and she flees. But, now that he holds her soul, he controls her and he uses her abilities to get rid of those who stand in his way. She has no control over what is happening to her and has to find a way to get her soul back - enter our hero. I'll stop there for now - I do know the whole story but I'm gonna make you wait to find out the rest! Stay tuned...
I'm in total agony over this new story. Trying to keep it on the back burner is painful! LOL I find myself writing in the car, while waiting on a train, in a parking lot, or picking up my son. I keep my notebook on my desk at work in case an idea strikes...So, basically, you have this cleric-type, you know, a healer but also a fairly good warrior, who has been chosen by his diety to represent in the world of mortals. He has proven himself time and again and helped in the effort to bring back the dragons that were banished from the world but also made the balance of good and evil shift too strongly toward the evil end of things. Now he's been called to help 'clean out' the ranks of the followers of the three gods. He reunites with an old friend, a dwarf, and they end up teaming with a woman who was trained as a specialty warrior (think Special Forces type training). She can use any weapon, including her bare hands and is pretty much a badass. I LOVE strong women in my stories who can hold their own with the men around them. On the evil side, we have Lukan, a fighter, leader of an army, who is trained in magic. He has made a deal with a demon that snuck into the world through the open pathway that was opened for the dragons to return. This demon taught him how to extract a person's soul. But, the demon tricked him. In exchange for the knowledge he has demanded payment in souls - which will make him more powerful and able to bring more of his brethren into the world so they can take over and rule it. Lukan, if he doesn't want to die himself, must harvest souls for this demon. But there's a twist - a soul cannot be taken, it must be given willingly. So, he has to con people into giving up their souls to him, which he turns over to the demon. The warrior woman who teams up with the cleric has given her soul to him. He tricked her into thinking he loved her and so she ends up giving her soul to him but then he betrays her and she flees. But, now that he holds her soul, he controls her and he uses her abilities to get rid of those who stand in his way. She has no control over what is happening to her and has to find a way to get her soul back - enter our hero. I'll stop there for now - I do know the whole story but I'm gonna make you wait to find out the rest! Stay tuned...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
So much more
Wow, what a week this has been! Car trouble to the extent that we may have to look into a new car (where THAT will come from, who knows!), the hubby and I having some very emotional times, my son still doing fairly well at school, and meetings all week to get ready for Camp Rainman this summer. I'm the vice president of the local autism chapter and we do a summer camp for our kids every summer. It was started 23 years ago and I've been part of it for the last 5. I can't explain the feeling I get from camp. The kids are so amazing and all the counselors we have truly do learn so much about giving and understanding that it touches my heart like nothing else can. I can't wait! I've also been in talks with another friend who, a year ago, asked me to stage manage her next show. I had told her I would then, but so much has changed now. I'm going to try to honor my promise to her, and I do need the money...but life has been so full and hectic lately, we'll just have to see how things progress.
I've been brainstorming Elerbee's story this week. I think when I drive and so it is unfortunate that gas prices are so high! I've been driving a lot! LOL. All the other stories I've had simmering have taken a backseat to this one. Tentative title = Shadow Soul. There will be demons, assassins, magic, soul-selling/giving, love, tears, fighting, healing. I get all giddy when I think about it. Hubby has tossed some ideas around with me. I am so lucky that he is such a fan of fantasy that he will help out in the process. Most people don't have that and I cherish it greatly! I love my husband...
I'm a bit sad that I missed the RWA conference this weekend. One more casualty of losing your job. Which brings me to the last of this blog...for those who haven't heard the story, back in October, we were told at work that our plant was shutting down. The product that we build was being shipped to Mexico to be built there. The owners have been diligently working to find more projects to keep us open but so far it doesn't look promising. I've been there for 15 years and it's scary. I've moved to working part-time, but after that many years, there's no way I'll find another job that can pay me what I make there...and just to catch you all up, my husband is also in school. He's a nursing student in clinicals. He graduates in December. But, because of that he only works like 2 days a week. It's been tough, we've dropped all my son's therapy except for seeing the doctor who perscribes his medicine, but we're making it. I've been miserable at my job almost since day one and have only stuck around because I've needed the money. So, it's this weird feeling of wanting it to end so very badly and also being reluctant to be without work. The people are mean and some of the things that have recently come out about what some other managers have said about me & my family really has me wanting to go now. It's kind of brutal, but I'm surviving. It's all I know how to do. I know there's more out there for me and think I've made the right decision in going back to school. When one door closes, another opens, right?
I've been brainstorming Elerbee's story this week. I think when I drive and so it is unfortunate that gas prices are so high! I've been driving a lot! LOL. All the other stories I've had simmering have taken a backseat to this one. Tentative title = Shadow Soul. There will be demons, assassins, magic, soul-selling/giving, love, tears, fighting, healing. I get all giddy when I think about it. Hubby has tossed some ideas around with me. I am so lucky that he is such a fan of fantasy that he will help out in the process. Most people don't have that and I cherish it greatly! I love my husband...
I'm a bit sad that I missed the RWA conference this weekend. One more casualty of losing your job. Which brings me to the last of this blog...for those who haven't heard the story, back in October, we were told at work that our plant was shutting down. The product that we build was being shipped to Mexico to be built there. The owners have been diligently working to find more projects to keep us open but so far it doesn't look promising. I've been there for 15 years and it's scary. I've moved to working part-time, but after that many years, there's no way I'll find another job that can pay me what I make there...and just to catch you all up, my husband is also in school. He's a nursing student in clinicals. He graduates in December. But, because of that he only works like 2 days a week. It's been tough, we've dropped all my son's therapy except for seeing the doctor who perscribes his medicine, but we're making it. I've been miserable at my job almost since day one and have only stuck around because I've needed the money. So, it's this weird feeling of wanting it to end so very badly and also being reluctant to be without work. The people are mean and some of the things that have recently come out about what some other managers have said about me & my family really has me wanting to go now. It's kind of brutal, but I'm surviving. It's all I know how to do. I know there's more out there for me and think I've made the right decision in going back to school. When one door closes, another opens, right?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Any minute now
So, I totally feel that any minute now all this happiness I've had all week will be pulled right from under me. I have not had one phone call from my son's school!!! I had to go to an IEP meeting and that didn't go far because the autism coordinators weren't there, but, all in all, I've had a relaxing week. I've actually embraced all the hard work I've done for school instead of fearing how I would get it all done while fielding calls from teachers, administators and aides or fighting homework battles. It's been pleasant and I can definitely say, I have enjoyed it immensely! Thank you, universe!
So, most of the week was spent tossing around ideas for a new story (after my school work, Ms. Smith!). The romance has seemed to take a back seat in the old imagination only to be replaced with more from my own little world. I'm sincerely a fantasy writer at heart. And I have lovely critique partners who are so easily persuaded to distract me with brainstorming sessions over email at work...lol! By the way, guys, we're due a coffee session soon! ;-)
So, Elerbee's story is bouncing around the ol' noggin'. I even have sat and imagined the opening scene. He is meeting with the new Elder of the priestly orders to receive the news that there is unrest among the ranks of all three sects. (For those new to this story, the sects are Sirrah, Yenoh, and Irhona). Elerbee is a Chosen - he has been touched by the god, Sirrah, and bears his mark. Plots and schemes have been the norm over the past year since the dragons have returned to Cantor. Most of the bad seeds have been weeded out but there are some embeded deeply. Elerbee is sent to the temples outside of Orphana (where the elves live) to pose as a novice. While he's there, he will discover the foul plot, whatever that is - I haven't gotten that far. But it will include a hired assassin, who ends up as...yep, you guessed it: Elerbee's chick. They will find themselves on the run, of course and Durlag will join them somewhere along the way. Maybe they go back up to Port Mor, as it is a haven to fugitives and criminals and those wanting to get lost in the crowd. He's never been there, after all. He joined up with the group after they left there in the 1st book. Then maybe they'll have to go plead their case with the mages in Val. Oh! Maybe the plot is to try to rid the land of magic!
So, most of the week was spent tossing around ideas for a new story (after my school work, Ms. Smith!). The romance has seemed to take a back seat in the old imagination only to be replaced with more from my own little world. I'm sincerely a fantasy writer at heart. And I have lovely critique partners who are so easily persuaded to distract me with brainstorming sessions over email at work...lol! By the way, guys, we're due a coffee session soon! ;-)

Ok, I have to end this before it gets too far out of hand! I'll leave you with an image of the assassin, who I am heavily considering naming Tia...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Keeping my head in the game
So, I really wanted to try to blog again on stuff for the new book. But today I haven't been able to get one of my other characters out of my mind. Those that have read Reborn - Elerbee just won't leave me alone today! Elerbee is the priest/healer character in my fantasy book. I just keep seeing him and Durlag (the dwarf) trekking all over Cantor, out to right all the wrongs the priests have brought into the world. The dragons have restored justice and are now watching over the lands, Mey among them. I seriously wasn't looking for this story, but there it is - WHAM! Right in my face, for the past two or three days. I haven't even gotten back to the original story to do rewrites! I just keep jotting down the ideas as they come - so I won't lose any of it.
The past week has been fairly relaxing. Trent started his new meds this week & we've been seeing some positive changes. He hasn't had to be removed from any of his classes! He's had some bumps and he's had to leave to calm down a couple of times, but NOTHING like what was happening before when he was off meds completely. I hate that we have to have the drugs to help, but, some people just need that little extra, I suppose. All these man-made medicines are scary to me, though. And I hate reading that side-effects sheet. Geez! He's still taking the melatonin for sleeping, though and it's been great! He's gotten back on track and even put himself to bed tonight!!!! How many 12 year olds do that?
So, I have to promise myself to get back to the romance book...I need to explore Lilli's character a bit more. I had Diane Lane in mind as a visual for her but I think I might try to go more vintage and use an actual 20s-era actress or something. I have two in mind for her. Clara Bow:
Beautiful, right? Only probelm is, I can't find too many pictures of her in color - this is one of very few...
The past week has been fairly relaxing. Trent started his new meds this week & we've been seeing some positive changes. He hasn't had to be removed from any of his classes! He's had some bumps and he's had to leave to calm down a couple of times, but NOTHING like what was happening before when he was off meds completely. I hate that we have to have the drugs to help, but, some people just need that little extra, I suppose. All these man-made medicines are scary to me, though. And I hate reading that side-effects sheet. Geez! He's still taking the melatonin for sleeping, though and it's been great! He's gotten back on track and even put himself to bed tonight!!!! How many 12 year olds do that?
So, I have to promise myself to get back to the romance book...I need to explore Lilli's character a bit more. I had Diane Lane in mind as a visual for her but I think I might try to go more vintage and use an actual 20s-era actress or something. I have two in mind for her. Clara Bow:

Or Greta Garbo - again, not a lot of color photos. But I guess it gives me leeway to imagine what I want for skin tones, eye color, hair color, etc. And Garbo is absolutely gorgeous!! Here she is:
She's supposed to be older than Vic - by around 12 years. He's 24, so she's going to be 36-ish. I can adjust that if necessary, but I don't want her any younger than 34. Having an image to work with is important to me. It helps me to have a reference to my characters, someone to gaze at as the thoughts come...I do that with a lot of things in the stories. I even have a picture of Vic's house. So, what do you guys think? Clara Bow or Greta Garbo? Cast your votes!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Meet the Hero, Part 1
Reason or meaning of name: Victor (Latin—winner, conqueror); Eugene (Greek—well born); LaCour (French: topographic or occupational name for someone who lived at or was employed at a manorial court)
Nickname: Vic
Reason for Nickname: Shortened version of his given name, his friends decided to start calling him this.
Birthdate: April 11, 1902
Astrological Sign: Aries - The ram is the symbol, Mars is the ruling planet and the element is fire. An Arian is creative, adaptive and strong-willed. People belonging to this zodiac sign are ambitious and are go-getters. They are enthusiastic and passionate about their life. Aries being a fire sign, the Arians are stubborn and hot-tempered. They have a good sense of humor and could get along with the any type of crowd. One of the major drawbacks of an Arian is he is very secretive about his feelings for others. You can trust an Arian.
Age: 24 How old does s/he appear? 22-25
Eye Color: dark brown Glasses or contacts: N/A
Weight: 175 lbs Height: 5’10”A bit of background information on Victor - he is the youngest of two boys. His mother died when he was 5 years old. He doesn't remember her but his older brother, Franklin, does and tells him stories of her. Franklin is 4 years older and kind of the 'black sheep'. Victor is a law student at Tulane University. His father is a prominent judge in the city of New Orleans and works closely with the city leaders, who also happen to be tied closely with organized crime, bootlegging, and prostitution. Victor is a bit naive of his father's involvement and his father likes it that way - he's not proud of who he has become. He pushes Victor to become a better man than he is, but along the way has ignored the fact that Victor's heart isn't really in law. His passion is architecture. He can be found on any given day in the French Quarter, sketching the intricate molding of a building or the flowing scroll of an iron railing on a balcony. With his older brother running with the gangsters, Victor has taken it upon himself to be the glue that holds his little family together. He endures his studies to please his father and is constantly bailing his brother out of sticky situations.
So, this is the beginnings of the hero for my romance. He is, by no means, a complete character at this point. His age and interest in architechture are about the only things written in stone. His family history, as well, is pretty set. Mother most likely committed suicide once her husband got trapped doing the bidding of the mobsters - life pretty much went downhill from there for her. Victor isn't aware of her true demise, but Franklin is, which is probably why he has turned out to be such a wild card. I think Frank will tell him, which is what starts his separation from the tight-knit bosom of his family into the wider world to seek comfort. Which is how he will meet our heroine, Lillian Warren, a singer in the jazz circuit in the disreputible parts of the city.
I've spent most of today researching fashion of the 1920s. The women had become rather daring and you'll find a lot of nude or semi-nude photos out there from this time period. It was all rather scandalous! The '20s are a fascinating time to me, for some reason. I'm just drawn to that era. This ends our trip into my newest adventure for now. Until next time...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Emotional week
This has been one very emotional week. Some big decisions were made; life changing decisions probably. My son was suspended from school for a day. We have come to the realization that he just cannot handle a school environment. We have been fighting tooth and nail for seven years to make the system follow the law and accommodate him as the law allows. So much easier said that done, believe me! When there are children that are harder to educate than the average bear, the tendency is to just try not to. They don't want to have to work that hard. We have tried for years to force him to be like everyone else. Truth is, he is not like everyone else. He doesn't think the same or view the world the same. But day after day, year after year, we have forced him into an environment that he can't handle. He is so stressed about having a "good day" at school that it has consumed him. He is a 12-year-old child and should not be stressed about that. But he is - he tells us that he stresses about it. Not one of us is happy and haven't been for a very long time. We have to bring him home. Yes, homeschool. We are going to try to make it through the rest of this year, if we can. If we're not forced to leave (which wouldn't be the first time). But starting with 7th grade, we will be homeschooling him until he's ready to return and try this environment again. Hopefully only a couple of years, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. When my husband and I made the decision it was almost as if an enormous weight was lifted from my shoulders! I'm still apprehensive about the social stuff he may miss but, as my husband said, he's not getting socialized now if he's constantly being removed from class and having melt-downs on a daily basis. And he's right. We will just have to make sure he gets out and socializes. It feels right and sometimes you have to listen to what your heart is telling you is good for your family. Now, on to other concerns...
I'm missing being able to work on my own writing projects since I started school. I knew it would be this way and I'm glad I finished the book I was working on before the semester started. I'm itching to start rewrites on it but that will have to take a back burner, I'm afraid. While I was writing that book, my two critique partners convinced me I should try my hand at writing a romance. Now, I'm a fantasy writer with pretty much no background in romance novels. I've never been a fan of them and not really read any. I've read a few historical romances, which I dig if they are done right, but other than that, I just don't read them. But, on their urging, I started thinking what I would write if I were to write a romance. That developed into the idea of a romance set in 1926 in New Orleans. Of course, once I was done tossing my ideas around with my husband, it sounded more like a murder mystery full of mobsters and hookers and criminal types...LOL. However, on that note, I think I will use my blog time each week to help flesh out some of my ideas and characters. This way, I get the time I would like to spend on my own projects and make sure I am completing school assignments. See what I did there? I just killed two birds with one stone! :) Perhaps I may end up blogging more than once a week - how sweet would THAT be?! Alas, I have promised my child that I would watch a movie with him, so I better wrap it up tonight and get to that.
I'm missing being able to work on my own writing projects since I started school. I knew it would be this way and I'm glad I finished the book I was working on before the semester started. I'm itching to start rewrites on it but that will have to take a back burner, I'm afraid. While I was writing that book, my two critique partners convinced me I should try my hand at writing a romance. Now, I'm a fantasy writer with pretty much no background in romance novels. I've never been a fan of them and not really read any. I've read a few historical romances, which I dig if they are done right, but other than that, I just don't read them. But, on their urging, I started thinking what I would write if I were to write a romance. That developed into the idea of a romance set in 1926 in New Orleans. Of course, once I was done tossing my ideas around with my husband, it sounded more like a murder mystery full of mobsters and hookers and criminal types...LOL. However, on that note, I think I will use my blog time each week to help flesh out some of my ideas and characters. This way, I get the time I would like to spend on my own projects and make sure I am completing school assignments. See what I did there? I just killed two birds with one stone! :) Perhaps I may end up blogging more than once a week - how sweet would THAT be?! Alas, I have promised my child that I would watch a movie with him, so I better wrap it up tonight and get to that.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Wasted time
I have just spent the last three hours trying to add music to this blog (suggestions welcome!). I have yet to find a way to let you in on the musical inspirations I write with. Ah, well...I'll keep trying.
I witnessed an injustice the other day. My mind constantly wanders back to the incident - perhaps I need to write this down so that I can move on? In one of my classes there is a student that is very much like my own son. (For those who don't know, my son has an autism spectrum disorder - Asperger Syndrome). Extremely socially awkward, speaks out of turn, when he does speak, it is usually way off base. Then there is also the stereotypical "jock" student; loud, obnoxious, makes sure everyone notices him...you know the one. Granted, it can be annoying when the student speaks out of turn and throws the lecture off course but I recognize the attemps he is making as trying to fit in. I see my own son do these same things daily. And every class, my heart breaks a little more at how the other students snicker and roll their eyes behind his back. I see my own child facing these situations as he grows older. This student has gotten better, at the behest of the instructor, in raising his hand before he speaks. He did so in the last class, the teacher called on him and he began to speak. As he spoke, a few students groaned. The "jock" sat up and said, "Hey, dude, why don't you just shut up?" Long story short, the teacher diffused the situation, let the other student continue to speak, but once he did, he left the room. The teacher admonished the class about accepting differences in others and "jock" admits he should apologize. He chases the kid down and does so, bringing him back to class. Now...after that lengthy description, what I need to say is you never know the situations of people you may make fun of. Perhaps this student has fought tooth and nail to get where he is, battling the confines of a disability he refused to accept. In that respect, he should be a hero. I just see the future my child is facing in this. Will somone be so intolerant of him and his disability that they lash out at him in a class full of his peers? Will they hurt his feelings so profoundly that he may never recover? I do my best to swallow the fear I have of the future and teach him now how to protect himself against life's unfairness. Are my lessons getting through? Only time will tell.
I witnessed an injustice the other day. My mind constantly wanders back to the incident - perhaps I need to write this down so that I can move on? In one of my classes there is a student that is very much like my own son. (For those who don't know, my son has an autism spectrum disorder - Asperger Syndrome). Extremely socially awkward, speaks out of turn, when he does speak, it is usually way off base. Then there is also the stereotypical "jock" student; loud, obnoxious, makes sure everyone notices him...you know the one. Granted, it can be annoying when the student speaks out of turn and throws the lecture off course but I recognize the attemps he is making as trying to fit in. I see my own son do these same things daily. And every class, my heart breaks a little more at how the other students snicker and roll their eyes behind his back. I see my own child facing these situations as he grows older. This student has gotten better, at the behest of the instructor, in raising his hand before he speaks. He did so in the last class, the teacher called on him and he began to speak. As he spoke, a few students groaned. The "jock" sat up and said, "Hey, dude, why don't you just shut up?" Long story short, the teacher diffused the situation, let the other student continue to speak, but once he did, he left the room. The teacher admonished the class about accepting differences in others and "jock" admits he should apologize. He chases the kid down and does so, bringing him back to class. Now...after that lengthy description, what I need to say is you never know the situations of people you may make fun of. Perhaps this student has fought tooth and nail to get where he is, battling the confines of a disability he refused to accept. In that respect, he should be a hero. I just see the future my child is facing in this. Will somone be so intolerant of him and his disability that they lash out at him in a class full of his peers? Will they hurt his feelings so profoundly that he may never recover? I do my best to swallow the fear I have of the future and teach him now how to protect himself against life's unfairness. Are my lessons getting through? Only time will tell.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
So homework in the Robichaux household reared its ugly head tonight. Every member of this family is in school. My child is in middle school, my husband is in nursing school (almost done!) and I started school this week. In theory, it was all such a good idea... Tonight we learned the challenges ahead of us. My son has two projects due for school in the upcoming weeks, my husband starts his clinical rotation this week, and I am only just now learning how to fall into the routine of school, work and homework of my own. We just spent two hours yelling, arguing, and fussing to get my child to finish everything he had to have done and when the child has Asperger's Syndrome on top of that, this is no small feat. We did it, though. I feel like I have moved a mountain today!
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